The UN4DRR project final event scheduled from October 4th to 6th 2023 In Sri Lanka, kicked off today at University of Colombo. The day started with the meeting of UN4DRR country teams with Vice Chancellor of University of Colombo, Professor Karunaratne. During the meeting, discussed about the importance and output of the project and the successes and achievements. The vice chancellor Prof. H.D. Karunaratne expressed interest to extend the collaborations through other projects and initiatives.

This was followed with a session covering presentations by partner institutions from Asia on the key achievements from the project and details of Life-Long Learning (LLL) Courses developed and conducted under the project. Presenters from each partner university provided information related to learning objectives and content, participants, evaluation and further improvements required. They also highlighted that the capacity building Courses of the team members and the equipment from the project facilitated the successful delivery of these LLL Courses. The practical laboratory sessions of the courses were held in GIS labs established or upgraded through assistance from European Union under UN4DRR project.
