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The 2022 – UN4DRR International Symposium on Disaster Risk Reduction, Mitigation and Environmental Sciences or The 2022 – UN4DRR SYMPOSIUM is the third international seminar organized by the Natural Resources and Environmental Management Study Program (PS-PSL), Graduate School, Bogor Agricultural University (IPB University), after The 1st ISeNREM 2019 and The 2nd ISeNREM 2021.

  1. The objectives of this international Symposium are: To disseminate the latest research results in the field of disaster management, natural resources and the environment,

  2. Become an effective communication medium for researchers in the field of disaster management, natural resources and the environment.

  3. To increase opportunities for collaboration through network formation among academics, researchers and practitioners in the field of disaster management, natural resources and the environment,

  4. To increase the number of international publications by academics and researchers. This seminar activity is carried out in a hybrid manner.

This international symposium will be held on July 21st, 2022. As with previous our international seminars, the proceedings of this International Symposium will be published through the IOP (Scopus indexed). Interested experts are invited to contribute articles to this international symposium. More detailed information and registration can be accessed on the website:



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