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UN4DRR Monitoring Visit and Technical Training in the Maldives

Writer's picture: UN4DRRUN4DRR

The latest segment of technical training and monitoring visit of UN4DRR project was held in the Maldives from 29th January to 02nd February 2023. The initial session hosted at MNU, Male’ commenced with the inauguration of the new Geospatial Lab. This was followed by sessions on “Disasters in Maldives” facilitated by Officials from Maldives National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) and “Coastline Monitoring using Google Earth Engine” by Mr. Shuaib Rasheed. The final session of the day on “Mapping the flood risk exposure” was conducted by Dr. SIS. Subasinghe from University of Peradeniya

Day two of the training kicked off with a session by Mr. Ashvin Wickramasooriya from University of Peradeniya on landslide hazard analysis using GIS techniques followed by a session facilitated by Dr Yudi Setiawan from IPB University on estimating soil loss and sediment export using InVEST model. Afternoon sessions continued with the topic’s ‘Social capital mobilization on the context of Community Flood Disaster Management’ by Dr. Ananda Karunarathne and Assessment of Surface Temperature of the City of Colombo, Using GIS and RS techniques by Prof. Lasantha Manawadu, from University of Colombo.

Day three of the training focused on ‘City Resilience towards Coastal Hazards: An Integrated Bottom-Up and Top-Down Assessment’ and ‘Hotspot Mapping and Analysis in Nagan District, Aceh Province’ facilitated by Dr. Rina Suryani Oktari from Syiah Kuala University. Afternoon session was delivered by Mr. Kyriakos Georgiou from University of Nicosia on the structuring of academic programmes in accordance with Bologna Process and European Qualifications Framework.

The rest of the training and management meetings continued at Alif Alif Atoll Dhigurah Island in the Maldives. The team arrived at Dhigurah on 31st January 2023 evening and was warmly welcomed by the Island Council President and team who assisted with the logistical arrangements.

Fourth day of the training was dedicated to the new e-learning curriculum and partners presentation and feedback of the courses developed. The session was facilitated by Kyriakos Georgiou from University of Nicosia and held at Alif Alif Dhigurah. The sessions concluded with the UN4DRR Management meetings.

The team also visited areas in the island and briefing from the council representatives to understand disasters related in the island context such as flooding and beach erosion. UN4DRR team is very grateful to the Dhigurah Council for the exceptional hospitality extended and assistance with the logistics during the stay at the island.



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